Can I work as a Will Writer part time?
Will writing can be done part time and we find people do this for a number of reasons. The first is that they use it to complement or drive other areas of their business. The second is that it can be very difficult to make the jump and begin a new career. Starting with Will Writing on a part time basis can give you the launchpad you need to begin your career in legal or financial services.

How does training work?
Our induction course helps you to hit the ground running and start earning from day one. You will attend our Head Office in Southend for 3 days of training initially. This is complemented by further sessions throughout the year. This programme is a mix of distance learning and classroom-based sessions that help you progress and develop your knowledge and understanding.

How long does my contract last?
We hope that you will stay for many years but understand this might not always be the case. You are contracted in for the 1st 12 months but after this you will be required to give us three months’ notice. Many of our Will Writers have been with us for over 5 years and, with our help, continue to grow their businesses, extend their knowledge and enhance their professionalism.